Friday, August 26, 2011

It has been 8 days now since my lovely wife and 3 beautiful kids have been away. The biggest thing I noticed on their first day away was that my house is WAY too big for the one of me. It was like a ghost town. I wanted to stay in the basement and not think about the fact that I'm all along in this, what seemed to be, large house. So that's what I did. :) Almost. Lol.

After I got over the initial shock of being alone I started to think about what I could learn from this break from the family. One thing I found was that the quieter it was the easier it was to listen to that small voice inside of me. That voice, I believe is the Holy Spirit speaking to me. You may think that's funny or weird, but I actually believe God when he said that he was going to send a helper for us to guide us in this life.

There are so many distractions that can keep us going non-stop that we never get an opportunity to hear what God is trying to say to us. From the alarm clock in the morning to the movie that we fall asleep to at night our minds are being filled up and the voice of God has a tendency to get drowned out.

I would encourage everyone to take some time this week and be alone. I challenge you, no, I dare you to take the step and allow God to speak to you. it may take some time to know what works for you, but the point is to make the steps to get there.

We read in the Bible that Jesus himself spent lots of time alone. That's where he heard from his father God and was directed in this life.

God has a plan for your life. Grant him the time to share it with you.


1 comment:

  1. You gotta blog more, man! I miss it! (well, I guess I do have the advantage of hearing all your words of wisdom firsthand here at home - hahaha) ♥ you!
