Sunday, October 31, 2010

Allow life to provide opportunities!!

A couple of Sunday's ago in church a video like this one was shown as part of an illustration to the message. After watching I couldn't help but think how sometimes life gets in the way of our grand plan. I'm sure that when Dick and his wife were expecting their new bundle of joy it was not in their plan to have to care for him in the way they have. But we see a beautiful thing take place. They chose to not let life get in the way. Instead they let this situation in theirs lives become an opportunity for their future.

I'm not sure about you, but my life plan has taken some turns in the past. Things happen that are unexpected. That's the world we live in. Sometimes the unexpected is great and other times it comes with some challenges. The beauty is that we get to choose whether the unexpected brings us down or propels us into a new life.

So let's allow life to provide opportunities for us and then take them with the strength that we have.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

1 comment:

  1. This video was very inspirational. I agree with you, the unexpected is sometimes the greatest way of God showing that he is watching out for us. Sometimes, it can feel difficult, but like you said with his stregth the impossible certainly starts to be possible.
