Monday, June 21, 2010

Partnership with God!!

I've been thinking lately about the privilege we have to be in partnership with God.

It is nice to say that Jesus provided a great life for us by dying on the cross, but what does that mean in my day to day activities? What is it that I have to do? Where do I fit in this thing we call life?

If you look at the story of the Israelites when they went to capture the city of Jericho (Joshua 6), we find that there is a definite partnership between them and God.

In verse 2 God said that he had given the city to them. It was already done in God's mind. It would be easy for the the Israelites to relax at this point and not do anything. Why would they have to? God said he had given them the city. Wouldn't it make sense to just wait around for it to happen.

But wait, at this point in the story Jericho was not inhabited by Israel. They were still on the outside of the city walls and did not physically have possession of the city.

That is where the partnership comes in and we get to see the beauty of God working on their behalf. As we continue in the story, we see that God gave the Israelites a set of instructions to follow and when they did those things we saw God do a miracle in their lives. The walls of Jericho fell to the ground and the Israelites were able to take the city.

Our lives are quit similar. For example in John 10:10 we see that Jesus came to give us life and life more abundant. I would say that there are times in our lives that we do not feel like we are living in abundant life. Yet that is the promise that Jesus says to us.

This is where we get to experience the partnership like the Israelites. We have the blessing of being able to have a relationship with God through Jesus and with that He will give us instructions to help us through life. It is when we follow Him this way that we will begin to see miracles in our own lives.

And then we will all have our own story we can use in witnessing to people. We can all be great witnesses of what God has done in our lives.

Enjoy what God has for you today!!!!!!!


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