Monday, June 21, 2010

Why, why, why, why????????

Why, why, why, why????????

Have you ever heard anyone ask this question when faced with a difficulty in life? Perhaps that someone was or is you. I know I've ask myself this at times in the past.

There are times in our lives when things are not going the way we think they should. So we begin to ask the question, why.

Why am I sick?
Why am I broke?
Why did I have to get this ticket today?
Why is there a test tomorrow?
And so on...........

The problem with questions like these is they leave us powerless and week. Even if we were to get answers to these questions, there would still be no way out of the situation or help getting through it.

May I suggest that the problem is not the situation in our lives, but it's the question that we associate with it.

Jesus said that in this world we would endure trials. If you have been around longer than your 4th birthday I'm sure you can relate to the fact that this is not a perfect world that we live in. :) Stuff happens all the time that we are not happy with.

That being said, how do we get through the stuff in our lives that is hard?

We need to ask ourselves different question to get the empowering answers that will propel us through what we are in.

Yes, I'm sick. What can I learn about today that can help me through this next phase in my life? What does the bible say about the gift of healing that Jesus provided when dying on the cross and what does that mean for me?

Yes I'm broke. What one thing can I do today to make a little extra money? Jesus says that He became poor that we might become rich. What does that mean and how can I learn about where that fits into my life and my finances?

Can you see the difference in the questions now? They are harder questions, but with seeking out the answers to these we are left with more power to change the situations in our lives.

Rom 8:37 says that we are more than conquerors through Christ.

Life can throw some fast balls at us. With the help of Jesus we can turn it into a home run. :)

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